Device Locator
How is the device locator working

Cell Tower Location
The Device Locator provides an approximate position of IoT devices by analyzing data from network events when creating a new PDP Context/Session used for data transmission.
This feature has to be activated in the portal. To view latest particular device cellTower location resolution attempts Activity endpoint can be used.

Enabling the Cell Tower location feature
Basic solver mode
By default, the basic solver mode is enabled, which delivers device positioning when connected via 2G technology. Resolved position is based on the location of the cell tower device is connected to. Positioning for 3G, 4G, LTE-M, and NB-IoT connections is not guaranteed and may not be resolved.
Creative Commons License OpenCelliD Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
OpenCelliD Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Advanced solver mode
When advanced mode is enabled, it improves the Cell Tower Location accuracy and coverage particularly for 3G, 4G and LTE-M. However, NB-IoT resolutions will not be performed in advanced mode.
New metadata field is also added with accuracy data. In the following example, the circle around the point on the map indicates that there is a 68% probability that the device is within a 270-meter radius of the provided location.
Advanced solver mode is currently in beta testing. You can request access to this feature via the 1NCE OS portal.

Advanced solver mode
I acknowledge that activating the location feature involves processing nearby Cell Tower data by 1NCE. 1NCE processing of data is done anonymously. I understand that if the use of the service by me makes it linkable to individuals, additional data related responsibilities may apply. As per 1NCE General Terms and Conditions (GTC), I am solely responsible for complying with Data Protection laws and regulations and obtaining necessary consents.
Via Energy Saver
If the Energy Saver with custom_type
in the JSON-Template is used, the location from the device can be obtained over the Energy Saver output. Visit Energy Saver for more details.
"sense": [
"asset": "longitude",
"custom_type": "location_long",
"value": {
"byte": 0,
"bytelength": 8,
"type": "float",
"byteorder": "little"
"asset": "latitude",
"custom_type": "location_lat",
"value": {
"byte": 8,
"bytelength": 8,
"type": "float",
"byteorder": "little"
Via LwM2M
If LwM2M is used, the following Resource Addresses can be used to provide the device location: /6/0/0
(latitude, Float), /6/0/1
(longitude, Float) and /6/0/5
(timestamp, Time). Visit our LwM2M Service Documentation for more details on integrating LwM2M with the device locator.
The Geofencing Service allows setting virtual boundaries for devices. If a device is crossing a geofence (in or out, can be configured) a notification will be sent out to inform. Geofencing is currently in beta testing. You can request access to this feature via the 1NCE OS portal.
Possible use cases for geofencing are:
- A device or an object a device is attached to should not exit a specified area. For example, to prevent objects from getting stolen and inform the user as soon as possible.
- A device or an object a device is attached to is not allowed into a certain area.
Updated about 2 months ago