SMS Events

Events received by the SMS Forwarder.

The 1NCE SMS Forwarding Service provides different types HTTP messages for Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile Terminated (MT) SMS. In the following sections, the message events for MO-SMS and MT-SMS are outlined and an example JSON message is shown as reference.


Normal Mobile Originated SMS messages issued from devices with a 1NCE SIM are forwarded to the specified HTTP endpoint as JSON objects in a fixed format. The JSON message body contains parameter field which specify the payload and additional configurations. Listed below is an overview of these values from the HTTP Post Body of a MO-SMS message.

PropertyData TypeDescription
idINTEGERUnique ID of the SMS message.
payloadSTRINGSMS message payload. The format (Alphabet Text, Binary Data, etc.) depends on the set Data Coding Scheme (DCS) value.
submit_dateSTRINGTimestamp of when the SMS message was send by the mobile device.
destination_addressSTRINGPhone number specified by sending party as destination. This parameter is ignored by the 1NCE SMS Service.
source_addressSTRINGMSISDN of the SIM card that send the SMS message. The MSISDN is the phone number of the SIM.
dcsINTEGERThe Data Coding Scheme (DCS) is a value which transports information about how the recipient device shall handle the the transferred data payload.
endpointJSON OBJECTDetails about the originating SIM. The Name lists the ICCID of the SIM.
organisiationJSON OBJECTContains the internal organisation ID, not to be confused with the 1NCE organisation ID.
multi_part_infoJSON OBJECTInformation about multi-part SMS messages. The parameters list the current part number and the total amount of messages in the concatenated message.

A JSON object with the listed parameters will be send with a HTTP Post request towards the specified customer endpoint for the SMS Forwarding Service. Below an example of such a JSON message is shown.

	"id": 6202,
	"payload": "message text",
	"submit_date": "2018-08-17 16:31:51",
	"dest_address": "12345",
	"source_address": "<msisdn>",
	"dcs": 0,
	"endpoint": {
		"id": 8765412,
		"name": "<iccid>"
	"organisation": {
		"id": 4567
	"multi_part_info": {
		"partno": 1,
		"total": 1,
		"identifier": 6202
	"pid": 0


For Mobile Terminated SMS where the message is send towards a SIM device, the SMS Forwarding Service is not forwarding the actual SMS message itself to the application server. Instead, only the Delivery Report (DLR) of the MT-SMS is sent via the Forwarding Service.
The DLR indicates the successful delivery of the MT-SMS using a 1NCE SIM card. When a MT-SMS is sent to a device via the 1NCE Portal or the 1NCE API, the SMS Forwarding Service provides a Delivery Report (DLR) in a JSON format. Below, the parameters of the HTTP Patch Body from the DLR message are explained.

PropertyData TypeDescription
idINTEGERUnique ID of the DLR message.
final_dateSTRINGTimestamp when the MT-SMS was finalized by the receiving SIM device.
submit_dateSTRINGTimestamp when the MT-SMS was originally issued.
organisationJSON OBJECTContains the internal organisation ID, not to be confused with the 1NCE organisation ID.
endpointJSON OBJECTDetails about the originating SIM. The Name lists the ICCID of the SIM.
statusJSON OBJECTIndication of the delivery status of the MT-SMS. The DLR response could be DELIVERED or FAILED when the MT-SMS was not successfully transmitted.

In contrast to the MO-SMS, the JSON object for the DLR of the MT-SMS will be send with a HTTP Patch request towards the specified customer endpoint. Below an example of such a JSON message is shown.

	"id": 2819195,
	"final_date": "2020-06-09 15:06:38",
	"submit_date": "2020-06-09 15:06:34",
	"organisation": {
		"id": 4567
	"endpoint": {
		"name": "<iccid>",
		"id": 8765432
	"status": {
		"id": 4,
		"status": "DELIVERED"