Features & Limitations


  • Receiving LwM2M messages to clients endpoint.
  • Receiving traversed UDP and CoAP messages to clients endpoint.
  • In total, there will be five attempts to send the message via Webhook or to AWS with an exponential retry policy (150s, 180s, 420s, 1020s).
  • Own headers can be specified for webhooks.
  • Device metadata can be injected in the Webhook's URL and headers. See more details here.
  • Integrations can be tested by sending TEST_MESSAGE event type. This can be done by using Test AWS Integration or Test Webhook Integration endpoints.
  • The "First Successful Message Delivery" timestamp reflects the time of the first successful message sent to the Integration by device after this Integration was created.


  • Only HTTPS POST webhook endpoints are supported. Endpoints should respond with 2xx HTTP status code.
  • Customer endpoint should respond within 20s.
  • Same customer endpoint URL CANNOT be set to multiple webhooks simultaneously.
  • Integrations will be set to state integration failed after 5 unsuccessful message forwarding attempts. If needed, they can be restarted manually.
  • "First Successful Message Delivery" value will be updated only on first successfull message sent by device after Integration is created/rolled out.
  • Integration state will not be changed if a test message will be sent to the integration.
  • Customer webhook endpoints with self-signed certificate are not supported.
  • Customer webhook endpoint domains with special characters are not supported. In case special characters should be used, please refer to punycode.
  • Data is sent in JSON-Format:
    • For all LwM2M Messages.
    • For all UDP and CoAP messages that are being processed with Energy Saver template.
    • If Parse JSON payload is enabled and that message is a valid parsable JSON.
  • Data is sent in Base64 format:
    • If Parse JSON payload is disabled.
    • If Parse JSON payload is enabled but that message is NOT a valid parsable JSON.
  • Only device metadata can be injected into a webhook's definition, such as :iccid:, :imsi: and :ip: