Device Locator Integration

It is possible for the device to send binary messages, use the Energy Saver to decode these messages, and send valid GPS data to the device locator service.
To accomplish this integration, it is required to create an Energy Saver template and include the custom_type in the JSON template with the names location_lat and location_long to mark the latitude and longitude values respectively.
GPS data can be:

Template example

Energy Saver template to decode longitude in the first 8 bytes and latitude in the subsequent 8 bytes of the message.

  "sense": [
      "asset": "longitude",
      "custom_type": "location_long",
      "value": {
        "byte": 0,
        "bytelength": 8,
        "type": "float",
        "byteorder": "little"
      "asset": "latitude",
      "custom_type": "location_lat",
      "value": {
        "byte": 8,
        "bytelength": 8,
        "type": "float",
        "byteorder": "little"

Code snippet

Example of generating a GPS payload:

  • Sends to the 1NCE OS UDP endpoint as a binary payload.
  • Prints the payload in Base64 format for testing with the Energy Saver template on the 1NCE OS portal or via the API.
const dgram = require('dgram');

// Server and message configuration
const serverPort = 4445;
const serverAddress = '';
const latitude = 56.946285;
const longitude = 24.105078;

function encodeLocation(latitude, longitude) {
  const latBuff = processFloat(latitude);
  const longBuff = processFloat(longitude);
  return Buffer.concat([longBuff, latBuff]);

function processFloat(val) {
  // Assign the same byte length as defined in the template
  let buf = Buffer.alloc(8);
  return buf;

const message = encodeLocation(latitude, longitude);
const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
client.send(message, serverPort, serverAddress, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error sending message:', err);
  } else {
    console.log('UDP message sent successfully as binary payload!');


console.log("Payload in base64 format for energy saver template testing in 1NCE OS Portal or via API:",