AWS Configuration


In your AWS account the Security Token Service (STS) Endpoint should be enabled for eu-central-1 region.

STS enabled for eu-central-1 region

STS enabled for eu-central-1 region

In your AWS account the iot:Data-ATS Endpoint should be enabled for region where you are rolling out AWS Integration.

iot:Data-ATS Endpoint enabled for the customer’s chosen region

iot:Data-ATS Endpoint enabled for the customer’s chosen region

Configuration via Frontend

For setting up the AWS integration, use the Cloud Integration Wizard in the 1NCE OS portal.
Click 'New Integration' and select AWS integration as integration type.

Use a descriptive name and select the event types that you would like to receive.

Configuration of an AWS Integration in the 1NCE portal

Configuration of an AWS Integration in the 1NCE portal

Be aware that integration with status ROLLOUT_STARTED will be created in the Cloud Integrator and you will be taken to AWS to complete the configuration over there.
This generate a JWT that is only valid for an hour. Once the JWT becomes invalid the rollout has to be restarted.

After the configuration click proceed and you will be prompted to go to the AWS console. Continue and now AWS should be open on the 'Quick Create Stack' page. Here you will see things such as the name that was previously given, integration token, etc. If this information is correct, acknowledge AWS requirements and press 'create stack'.

Creation of AWS stack

Creation of AWS stack

It will take some time for the stack to be created. Nested stacks are shown by the filter option 'view nested' on the top. Once it is done, it should look like this in AWS and 1nceOS portal respectively:

AWS stack created

AWS stack created

Integration rolled out

Integration rolled out

Validate Integration

A device being able to send data is a prerequisite for this step. For more information refer to the cloud integrator documentation.

Once your stack has been rolled out, you can test your integration using one of your devices or by using Test AWS Integration endpoint. In AWS go to the IoT Core service. Navigate to the MQTT test client and subscribe to # as shown below:

MQTT Test Client

MQTT Test Client

Doing this will subscribe to all topics so if the stack was successfully rolled out, you should see data show up as shown below:

MQTT Test Client result

MQTT Test Client result

If the integration was succesfully created, rolled out and actived, Integration Active will appear.

Integration Active

Integration Active

Edit AWS integration

It is possible to edit the 1nceOS integration options through the front-end by clicking the edit-button as shown below:

1nceOS change integration

1nceOS change integration

Restart AWS integration

There is a possibility that your integration fails. When this happens, it will be visible in the 1nceOS portal as shown below:

1nceOS restart integration

1nceOS restart integration

By clicking the restart button, there will be an attempt to verify the integration. During that time an event of type TEST_MESSAGE will be sent out. For more information refer to event-type documentation

Delete AWS Integration

There are two ways to delete the integration:


You can delete your AWS Integration in the front-end of 1NCE OS or using API. In this case, you need to delete your AWS stack manually.

1nceOS delete integration

1nceOS delete integration


When the deletion is initiated from your AWS stack, there are no further actions needed. The callback function will automatically trigger the deletion of the AWS Integration in 1NCE OS.

AWS delete stack

AWS delete stack