CoAP Endpoint

CoAP Overview

The CoAP Endpoint coap:// hosts a POST endpoint on the server root path (/). The endpoint supports both normal, non-translatable messages and translatable messages by using the energy saver, with a safe payload size of up to 1024 bytes.

The POST endpoint takes an optional query parameter (or Location-Query) t to provide the MQTT topic used for forwarding this message to a MQTT broker (e.g., coap://coap-service:5683/?t=topicName). The Location-Query is limited to 255 characters by the CoAP protocol, hence the topic name itself can only contain up to 253 characters (t and = also count as characters). The topic name itself can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and forward slashes (no two slashes in a row). If these constraints are violated, a bad request (4.00) will be returned.

If a targeted device could not be found or is in a non-active status, the CoAP service will return an unauthorized (4.01) and no further processing of the message will take place.

CoAP Communication

While using UDP protocol for transport, the CoAP protocol offers reliable communication by using message confirmation mechanism. Each CoAP request has to be acknowledged by the server, so that the client would be sure that the message was processed:

CoAP reliable messaging

There are few key moments that allow reliable communication:

  1. To maximize the chance that the message succeeds even in the lossy network environment, CoAP has a retransmission mechanism. The client would re-send the Confirmable message (CON) until the Acknowledgement (ACK) is received or the exchange lifetime has ended. The total exchange lifetime (EXCHANGE_LIFETIME) is the time from starting to send a Confirmable message to the time when an acknowledgment is no longer expected.
    By default, the EXCHANGE_LIFETIME value is 247 seconds.
  2. CoAP Messages contain Message ID (also known as MID) to detect duplicates due to retransmissions. The Message ID has to be unique during the EXCHANGE_LIFETIME, so the client's endpoint should be able to specify a unique MID value if messages are being sent often enough. Most high-level CoAP clients are managing MID uniqueness internally, but for low-level clients like modem Quectel BG95, it can be specified in the AT command as msgID[2]:

There are two examples of the retransmission situation in a single exchange lifetime:

  • client's CON message did not reach the server. The client is resending the same CON message with the same MID.
  • server's ACK message did not reach the client. The client is resending the same CON message with the same MID (because there was no acknowledgment). The server is answering with the same ACK because it sees the already processed MID and does not process the request again.

DTLS encryption for CoAP

CoAP DTLS Support

CoAP DTLS Support

Ensuring, data is securely sent from a device to 1NCE OS, it is an important part of gaining the trust of customers with their data. To be able to provide this secure connection 1NCE OS has implemented a DTLS layer in the CoAP communication from the device to 1NCE OS. This allows the device to securely send its data to 1NCE OS without the possibility of messages being read or modified along the way. The picture above describes this process. First, when the device is ready to onboard itself, it will call the CoAP bootstrapping endpoint. This will retrieve the necessary DTLS info to onboard itself securely and initialize the CoAP connection using a PSK.

Features & Limitations

DTLS as a security protocol provides secure and fast data streaming. This comes with some advantages but also has some limitations. Below these key points are explored in the context of a CoAP connection.


DTLS is able to provide datastreaming functionality to devices with a low delay compared to TLS. It is able to provide this because it preserves the semantics of the underlying transport. DTLS also has advanced security. As a result, communication between client-server applications cannot be eavesdropped on or tampered with. This ensures that the streamed data is the same data as it was received.

DTLS makes use of the UDP protocol for this functionality. The data is sent in a fire and forget style, so no handshakes occur, and the message is sent without any reception or delivery confirmation. UDP also avoids the TCP meltdown problem, where different transport layers compensate for each other, cause delays in the data transfer.


The main limitation of DTLS is the use of the UDP protocol. The major drawbacks of using UDP are, having to deal with packet reordering, loss of datagram, and data larger than the size of a datagram network packet.

Encryption Key

To utilize DTLS encryption with 1NCE OS, a pre-shared key (PSK) is essential for securing data. This key encrypts and decrypts transmitted data. Devices can connect securely using CoAP with DTLS by accessing the endpoint coaps:// To retrieve the PSK, send a GET request to coap:// This endpoint will return an existing key, or if none is available, it will generate and provide a new one. Additionally, you can manually set the PSK (in plaintext or HEX format):

How to send CoAP messages

In the following snippet, the script will send a CoAP message.

  1. Install node.js dependency
  npm install node-coap-client@1.0.9
  1. Copy the following script
const coap = require("node-coap-client").CoapClient;

/////// Here you can define if you want to enable or disable DTLS requests ///////
const dtlsEnabled = true; // (optional) Enable/Disable DTLS

async function coapOnboard(url) {
    await tryToConnectToCoapServer(url);
    const options = {
        keepAlive: true, // Whether to keep the socket connection alive. Speeds up subsequent requests
        confirmable: true, // Whether we expect a confirmation of the request
        retransmit: false, // Whether this message will be retransmitted on loss
    console.log(`Calling CoAP bootstrap endpoint ${url}`);
    const result = await coap.request(url, "get", options);
    const payload = result.payload?.toString();

    if(result.code.toString() !== "2.05") {
        throw new Error(`Error calling CoAP bootstrap endpoint. Result code: ${result.code.toString()}, Payload: ${payload}`);

    console.log(`Boostrap payload: ${payload}`);
    const [clientIdentity, preSharedKey, coapsEndpointUrl] = payload.split(",");

    console.log("DTLS details:");
    console.log(`Client Identity: ${clientIdentity}`);
    console.log(`Pre-shared key: ${preSharedKey}`);
    console.log(`Coap endpoint: ${coapsEndpointUrl}`);

    return {

function logResponseDetails(res) {
    console.log("Server Response");
    console.log("Status: " + res.code);
    console.log("Payload: " + res.payload.toString());

function enableDtls(url, clientIdentity, preSharedKey) {
    coap.setSecurityParams(url, {
        psk: {
            [clientIdentity]: preSharedKey,

async function tryToConnectToCoapServer(url) {
    console.log("Trying to connect to CoAP server");
    const res = await coap.tryToConnect(url);
    if (!res) {
        console.error("Connection failed to CoAP server");
        throw Error(`Failed to connect to coap server: ${url}`);

    console.log("Successfully connected to CoAP server");

async function sendCoapMessage(url, message) {
    const payload = Buffer.from(message);
    const options = {
        keepAlive: true, // Whether to keep the socket connection alive. Speeds up subsequent requests
        confirmable: true, // Whether we expect a confirmation of the request
        retransmit: false, // Whether this message will be retransmitted on loss

    console.log(`Sending CoAP message to ${url}`)
    const result = await coap.request(
        url, // Server url (string)
        "post", // Request methos ("get" | "post" | "put" | "delete")
        payload, // Request payload (buffer)
        options, // Request options
    const resultPayload = result.payload?.toString();

    if (result.code.toString() !== "2.04") {
        throw new Error(`Error message received from CoAP server. Result code: ${result.code.toString()}, Payload: ${resultPayload}`);

    return {
        code: result.code.toString(),
        message: resultPayload,

async function callPost(host, topic, message) {
    try {
        const protocol = dtlsEnabled ? "coaps" : "coap";
        const port = dtlsEnabled ? 5684 : 5683;
        const url = `${protocol}://${host}:${port}/?t=${topic}`;

        if (dtlsEnabled) {
            console.log("Enabling DTLS...");
            const boostrapUrl = `coap://${host}:5683/bootstrap`;
            const { clientIdentity, preSharedKey } = await coapOnboard(boostrapUrl);
            enableDtls(url, clientIdentity, preSharedKey);
            console.log("DTLS enabled");

        await tryToConnectToCoapServer(url);
        await sendCoapMessage(url, message);
        console.log("Coap message sent");
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Coap exception", error);
        throw error;
    } finally {

(async () => {
    const message = {
        timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
        description: "Example message",

    const host = "";
    const topic = "sometesttopic"

    await callPost(host, topic, JSON.stringify(message));
  1. (Optional) Enable or disable the CoAP DTLS connection (4th line). By default, the script is using DTLS.

  2. Run the node.js script

CoAP Endpoint Information

Base URL:
Protocol: CoAP(s)


200200 ResponseClient identity, Pre-sharded key
401401 ResponseUnauthorizedResponse
500500 ResponseServerSideErrorResponse

DTLS Bootstrapping Information

Information model:

The pre-shared key is valid indefinitely. If the bootstrapping is called 5 or more minutes after the last time bootstrapping was called and the pre-shared key was not set previously by the user, the pre-shared key will be regenerated with a new value.

clientIdentitystringThe iccid of the device sim.
preSharedKeystringA pre shared key the device can use to authenticate itself on DTLS.


API responses when the Terms of Use and Data Processing Agreement are not accepted for the owner of the device, or when endpoint is not activated:

statusTextstringHttp Status Text
errors[ object ]Detailed Error Information


API response in case of server-side errors:

statusTextstringHttp Status Text
errors[ object ]Detailed Error Information